Amplifying Rural Bohemia through Contemplated and Freewheeling Bucolic Synthesis
Recipe for this table: slice up old mahogany coffee table with a deteriorated finish, mix and match some unused cedar and rough pine. Build some drawer box legs from dismantled pallets. Throw in some brave attempts to make straight lines and circles freehand with a router, and, viola, a coffee table inspired by crop circles.
4ft by 4ft by 15 inches tall
This stool was inspired by a recent trip to Turkey on the trusty old laptop. The legs consist of poplar, while the top is a laminate of oak, basswood, poplar, and cedar, and were shaped on the bandsaw. The skirt and stretchers are cedar.
This piece utilizes mortis and tenon joinery, accompanied by walnut pins for added strength. This piece was completed in the spring of 2008.
dimensions: 30" long, 18" tall, 19" wide
This table was built from wood salvaged from a cattle barn in Enterprise, AL. Splits in portions of each board rendered them no longer usable in a livestock setting, but instead made them perfect material for a piece of furniture.
The table earned the name "45" since each board has a 45 degree angle on each end, and because the longest boards all measure 45 inches from the long point to the short point.
Even though all of the boards had aged to the same dusty and weather-beaten patina, once they were cleaned and came through the planer it was evident they were not all the same species. Oak, pine, chestnut, and poplar were all used by the original barn carpenters.
20 inches tall, 5 feet 10 inches long, 32 inches wide.