This table is not new. I completed it over a year ago. I was just scrolling through some older posts and realized that I had neglected to post it. This table has an interesting story. One day in the school shop, I found some cherry scraps (the word "scrap" might be the most used word on this blog). I had never worked with it before, so I just started making drawer fronts with it and some poplar (cherry smells really good when you cut it). Then I realized I wanted to tackled round corners using an approach I had seen reserved only for pedestal table columns. Then I made some panels, and knew that I wanted cone shaped legs and cherry inlays.
This was the table that hooked me. A good friend of mine gave me the book "The Alchemist" about a year ago as well. I like parts of it, and I don't like other parts of it. In the book, the author talks about the first time an individual encounters his or her calling, and makes something that feels perfect to them. From then on, they try to recapture that feeling, often without any luck. The pieces I have built since this table have been in pursuit of that feeling. I gave this table to my Granny because she has selflessly opened door after door for me.